Do you remember the Hi and Lois comic strips? When I was little, I loved reading the comic section of the Sunday newspapers. Hi and Lois was one of my particular favorites. I especially loved the baby in that comic strip. She thought the dog was her friend, and she loved sunbeams.
Side Note: Do they still print the Hi and Lois comic strip? Also, when did my life get so busy that I stopped reading the Sunday comics?!?
Happiness is… a beam of sunshine
The sun streams gloriously into our kitchen through the front window of our house every Spring, and I am reminded of the sunbeam-loving baby of that cartoon. On multiple occasions, I had caught my youngest child enjoying the sunbeams in our kitchen during her toddler years… just like the adorable baby in the comics. My daughter would gaze admiringly at the sunbeam, reach out to try to touch it, and then, squeal and giggle. Finally, she would dance in the glittering sunlight and sprint joyfully through its rays.

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Children bring so much joy in our lives. Now our son is grown and I miss having little kids around. Maybe it won’t be much longer?
Kids definitely make our lives brighter. ❤